

About Us

Welcome to Canada's largest safety training database.

Our partnership with many online safety content developers allows access to hundreds of safety training courses.  Choosing the right online training course can be overwhelming.  If you need help deciding which courses apply to your industry or jurisdiction, contact us for free guidance. You can also check out the “Course Groups” menu to help point you in the right direction.

We STRONGLY promote blended learning and competency evaluations so training becomes a win-win cost benefit. Contact us to learn more about incorporating online safety training with in-house training.


Competency Evaluations

Take your training program to the next level using company branded competency evaluations. Contact us for straightforward evaluation strategies and templates.

Free Stuff

We offer free resources to companies that join our corporate membership package.

Is there anything else?

If you need help with any safety related need, please contact us. We will do our best to help you out and at a minimum will attempt to point you in the right direction.

Pay As You Go Training Library

In partnership with the awesome people at BIS training solutions, we offer access to their entire library of courses. This is a pay per course option. We simply track employees and certificates. Contact us for volume discounts.

Branded Courses

With our network of safety professionals and your input we can design and launch your own company branded learning. It's affordable, effective and promotes your own unique style. Contact us to learn more.


We offer free consultations on which courses meet your needs. If we don't offer it, we will build it!....or we will help you find a solution. Email for a timely response.

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